Study guide for the AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam

Reading Time: < 1 minute A lot of people have been asking me for a study guide for the new Azure Exams. I started with the AZ-104 (Microsoft Azure Administrator). and then the AZ-303 (Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies) Study resources for the AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam – Pixel Robots. ( and now Read more…

Study resources for the AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam

Reading Time: < 1 minute A lot of people have been asking me for a study guide for the new Azure Exams. I started with the AZ-104 (Microsoft Azure Administrator). This one is all about the Az-303. It’s not 100% finished yet, but I thought it best to get it out now. At the Read more…


Reading Time: 2 minutes Microsoft Azure Certifications Explained – A Deep Dive for IT Professionals in 2020 It’s common knowledge, or at least should be, that certifications are the most effective way for IT professionals to climb the career ladder and it’s only getting more important in an increasingly competitive professional marketplace. Similarly, cloud-based Read more…