A quick how-to send data from Azure Logic Apps to Log Analytics

Reading Time: 4 minutes You may have seen a previous post of mine about VMSS scaling based on RabbitMQ queue size using logic apps. If not you can read about it at https://pixelrobots.co.uk/2019/09/scale-an-azure-vmss-based-on-rabbitmq-queue-size-using-an-azure-logic-app/. Well I have been thinking wouldn’t it be good to get the queue size, amount of messages and the VMSS node Read more…

Monitor your servers available disk space using Azure Log Analytics

Reading Time: 4 minutes You may have seen some of my previous blog posts about monitoring your servers using Azure Log Analytics. If not you can find them at https://pixelrobots.co.uk/2019/06/monitor-your-servers-cpu-usage-using-azure-log-analytics/. In this post, I am going to focus on using Azure Log Analytics to monitor your servers disk space. In fact, I am going Read more…