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In today’s cloud-centric world, having a clear insight into your applications and infrastructure is more crucial than ever. Tools like Grafana and Azure Monitor stand at the forefront of monitoring and visualization, offering unparalleled visibility into your systems. I have been working on a new Bicep module that streamlines the integration of an Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) with managed Prometheus and Azure Monitor Workspaces with an existing Grafana workspace, ensuring you do not overwrite or remove an existing AKS cluster from the Grafana workspace. You can find the code at

The Power of Integration: Azure Monitor Meets Grafana

Grafana’s reputation for flexible monitoring and sophisticated data visualization is well-known. When paired with Azure Monitor, you unlock a powerhouse of monitoring capabilities, combining Azure Monitor’s extensive data collection features with Grafana’s dynamic visualization tools. This integration offers a cohesive platform to monitor your Azure resources efficiently, enabling you to visualize data in ways that best suit your operational needs.


Familiarity with Bicep, Azure CLI, and Azure resource management is assumed for this integration process. Please adjust module paths and parameter values as needed to align with your specific deployment requirements.

Introducing the update-Grafana-integrations.ps1 PowerShell Script

To facilitate this integration, I have built the update-Grafana-integrations.ps1 PowerShell script. This script is designed to automate the integration process, allowing Azure Monitor Workspaces to seamlessly blend into an existing Grafana workspace with minimal effort. You can even skip using the PowerShell script and just add the bicep modules into your existing bicep library.

Key Features and Benefits:

Ease of Use: With a straightforward setup requiring only essential parameters, integrating your workspaces is hassle-free.

Automated Deployment: My script takes care of the heavy lifting, automating the Bicep deployment and offering a “What-If” analysis to review potential changes before they’re applied.

Adaptability: Whether integrating a single workspace or multiple, my solution is designed to cater to your specific integration needs effortlessly.

DiveDeeper: The update-Grafana-Integrations.bicep Module

At the core of this integration lies the update-Grafana-Integrations.bicep file, crafted to work within your Azure subscription. It employs a modular deployment approach, ensuring both scalability and manageability. This method is ideal for navigating the complexities of cloud environments.

Module Highlights:

Structured Approach: Utilizes existing resources and modules for a streamlined and organized deployment.

Security First: Features a role assignment module to securely grant Grafana access to Azure Monitor Workspace data.

Customization Ready: Fully customizable parameters allow you to tailor the integration to meet your unique requirements.

How to Get Started

Kickstart your integration by executing the update-Grafana-integrations.ps1 script with the necessary parameters:

Make sure the Azure CLI is installed and authenticated before running the script to ensure a smooth deployment process.

Wrapping Up

My latest Bicep module and PowerShell script represent a significant advancement in the realm of cloud resource monitoring. By facilitating the integration of Azure Monitor Workspaces with Grafana, you leverage a robust combination of data collection and visualization tools. This automated, user-friendly process promises to enhance your monitoring strategy, offering deeper insights and a more comprehensive understanding of your cloud environment.

Stay tuned for future updates, and here’s to efficient and effective monitoring!

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Categories: AKS

Pixel Robots.

I’m Richard Hooper aka Pixel Robots. I started this blog in 2016 for a couple reasons. The first reason was basically just a place for me to store my step by step guides, troubleshooting guides and just plain ideas about being a sysadmin. The second reason was to share what I have learned and found out with other people like me. Hopefully, you can find something useful on the site.


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